E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com
Cooperation for International Economic Exchange
The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.
Enrolled in the register CH-550.
• Secretariat: segreteria@asigitalia.com • Secretariat President: segreteriapresidente@asigitalia.com
• Italy/Abroad: +39 3757119205
• Registered office: Via Valtellina 20, Milano - Italia • UTA Secretariat: Avenue de la liberté 90 – Bruxelles – Belgique
• 97781060153
Accreditation request form to ASIGITALIA Organization
Download the following form, fill it in and send it to the following email address: segreteria@asigitalia.com
Information request form