E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550.

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 


  • Government bodies for international cooperation
  • Economic organizations registered with ECOSOC (UN)
  • European Commission
  • Banks
  • Investment funds
  • Economic governmental-institutional bodies
  • Universities

UTA Congo - Kantara

Geneva - Palais des Nations
UNHRC, United Nations Human Rights Council

La Molisana

La Molisana is a historic pasta factory that has been producing Italian wheat pasta and semolina of high quality and tenacity since 1912

Federlavoratori Roma

Trade Union Confederation of Workers, chaired and directed by Cav. Pasquale Romeo and Dott. Gianni Petrocchi leader of Federlavoratori, which has its national headquarters in Roma, via Toscana n°42 and can currently count on more than 750 operating locations in Italy 

Ceremony of Oath for students of course "Fumi III" and day in Honor of the Gold Medals for Military Valor

Capacity Middle East 2024: Networking and Innovations in Dubai

capacity middleeast

Institute of Aeronautical Military Sciences (FI) Connection from Space Station with Astronaut Colonel of the Air Force Walter Villadei

collegamento stazione spaziale Waler Villadei

Award received at Montecitorio from Dr.ssa Rossana Rodà

53rd session of the human rights council
intervista al console della Tunisia

Milan, delivery of the Spadino and baptism of the course 'FUMI III' at the Military School Teuliè

Rabat, Morocco Workshop

December 1- 2  2022


For information on all training offers made available by the Organization ASIGITALIA contact the general secretariat at the following e-mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com


Haziel International Association, represents the social side of the organization

ASIGITALIA in support of:

  • On the occasion of the Fotum organized in 30 March 2022, was made a donation of 10.000€ from ASIGITALIA E.T.S. and its President Rossana Rodà in favor of the women of the Villaggio Ariginale of the Cité Hlel Tunis.

ASIGITALIA E.T.S. has contributed to the creation of the book “Vocazione all’Accoglienza”.

  • The Mak π 100 celebration in Florence

Culture and Exchange of International relations

International Relations following the principles of the ECOSOC Economic Council.

Visit the UTA Agency website: United Towns Agency