E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550.

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

E-Mail: segreteria@asigitalia.com

Cooperation for International Economic Exchange

The General Assembly of the NGO United Tows Agency for North-South Cooperation, local partner to ECOSOC (UN), has approved Asigitalia.

Enrolled in the register CH-550. 

Women Leadership Workshop in Cairo sponsored by the United Cities Agency for North-South Cooperation of States, UTA

Women Leadership Workshop in Cairo sponsored by the United Towns Agency (UTA) for North-South Cooperation of States.

Building EU – Africa partnership on sustainable raw materials value chains

Projects outcomes will enable achieving the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to primary and secondary raw materials, in particular critical raw materials for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors.

IPEC microelectronics initiative 2

R&D&I projects must be of a major innovative nature or constitute an important added value in terms of R&D&I in the light of the state of the art in the sector concerned. Projects comprising of industrial deployment must allow for the development of a new product or service with high research and innovation content and/or the deployment of a fundamentally innovative production process.